Incorporation of Wood ash and waste glass powder in enhancing concrete block performance
This study explores the feasibility of utilizing wood ash and waste glass powder as sustainable alternatives in the production of concrete blocks, aiming to address environmental concerns and enhance durability in construction. Cement blocks with varying percentages of wood ash (ranging from 10% to 25%) and a consistent 10% substitution of fine aggregates with waste glass powder were investigated. Six sample sets, including standard blocks, underwent testing for compressive strength, water absorption, and heat release at 7, 14, and 21 days of curing. Results demonstrate that a 15% wood ash replacement significantly improves compressive strength and reduces water absorption after 21 days. Furthermore, the combination of 15% wood ash with 10% glass powder replacement yields cement blocks with superior properties. The integration of wood ash with waste glass powder further enhances the performance of concrete blocks. By incorporating these materials into concrete block production, significant steps can be made towards reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability within the construction industry.
Key Words: wood ash, waste glass powder, eco-friendly, concrete blocks, compressive strength